Welcome to SaudiPhone.com! We compare prices from all online shops in Saudi. For each product we list for you all online shops that sell it, their shipping fees and delivery information. Note that at Saudi Phone we do not actually sell any products, you can press on "go to shop" to visit the product page from that online shop and buy the product directly.
By using Saudi Phone you can make wiser decisions when shopping either online or offline, and save money. You will be surprised how much savings you can make by only knowing your choices and comparing prices. Our data shows an average of 30% savings, which can go even higher for some product categories like cameras and laptops.
At Saudi Phone we save historic price information for all products sold online in Saudi. This way, you can tell whether the sales or deals advertised by online shops are real or not. You can browse our price drops section to see all products with REAL price drops. Alternatively, just click the price graph icon next to any product, to see how prices changed. Next time you see the word “deal”, make sure to check the product on Saudi Phone first, one online shop might be selling it for cheaper and can deliver the product within 24 hours!
Saudi Phone has hundreds of thousands of products for more than 500 product category pulled from different online shops, so when you are browsing products on Saudi Phone, you are effectively shopping from more than 50 online shops at the same time. To easily find what you are looking for, you can use our advanced filters to narrow your search by product category, brand, price, and other product properties such as color, storage, connectivity, memory, screen size, RAM and many more.
Saudi Phone is designed to be used on your desktop or mobile. Whether you are browsing online at home or shopping physically at the mall or shop, always make sure to use Saudi Phone to check the price of the product at alternative shops online before you do the purchase.
Saudi Phone was founded with the vision to boost ecommerce in the Middle East, by empowering you, the shopper. Please do your research before you buy. By simply comparing prices, you can save hundreds of riyals
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Samsung A32 Mobiles IPHONE 14 PRO IPHONE 14 PRO Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 10.5 (2021) Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 10.5 (2021)Mobile Phone Prices / price list is updated daily from local Mobile shops & Mobile dealers in Saudi-arabia but we can't guarantee that mobile prices / price list on this page is 100% correct (Human error is possible). Always visit your local shop for exact mobile prices. Saudi phone.com - Nokia mobile prices / LG mobile prices / Samsung mobile prices /Sony Ericsson mobile prices / HTC mobile prices - What Mobile Prices in Saudi arabia
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